Travis makes me smile
- Closer…to Cooper Union?
It’s mainly Fran’s voice that makes me smile, but the whole band is…pretty important, last time I checked. So! Travis makes me smile. Watch the video for Closer, the first single off their upcoming album, The Boy With No Name coming out on May 10th [via torr]:
My thoughts while watching the video:
- Supermarket…oookay…
- Damn, I really don’t want to work in a supermarket. Again. (My first job was bagging at Stop & Shop in high school)
- Fran…is a giant chipmunk? This is a weird supermarket.
- …This song is very pretty.
- Aw, everyone is like, HAPPY AND STUFF, and full of so much joy, they have forgotten the suckiness of being in a supermarket!!! Fran’s singing heals all emotional wounds. Wow.
- Fran is sweeping his arms around. Why that makes me happy, I don’t know.
- Aha…pwnd.
- Muzak kills everything.
- Kissing between random young peeps feels oddly serious for me. Should’ve just stuck with hugging. Yay! Hugs!
- I want a happy hug.
- …Now I am filled with sadness.
I didn’t say they were deep thoughts or anything.
Most of Travis’s videos are great, not in the groundbreaking sense but in the “it will make you smile and maybe laugh a bit” sense. Which is good for those times when you realize life sucks. …Which is most of the time. Especially when, after listening to this song, I thought about who I have in my life that I wouldn’t mind leaning on. Or rather, wouldn’t mind me leaning on them and crushing them with my lead-like density (yes, I’m thinking of the physical sense of leaning on someone, not the…I dunno, mental lean-age). And there are very few people who fit that description. It’s possible that I could gain more of these people, but I think I’m more likely to lose the ones I have now.
In conclusion, woo Travis!
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