something about Magnet in Norwegian
I shoved this recent Magnet related article at Askøyværingen into a translator and came up with info about his upcoming album that says it will either be all acoustic and not electronic…OR THE OPPOSITE. I figure it has to be one or the other.
…I’m leaning towards the first. If it’s “Quiet & Still”-esque, I will be all over it.
And I have no freakin’ clue what the rest of it says, but there ye go.
And tickets to Norway increased muchly since I checked last week. Dammit. I’m getting on it!
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Hi again.
So Bergen. Kinda guessed that. Home of Magnet – almost.. And speaking of Magnet. The article just says it’s going to be an all acoustic one.
He says: I’ve started the new record, and on that one everything is going to be acoustic. Nothing elektro. I’ve planned to include strings and horns, and all of them are going to be girls.”
He’s still in need of a girl on standup bass and one on drums.. so just get practicing. And he’s going to play a dodgeball game before the festival. The lost weekend gang agains Pogo Pops.
Comment by Janne — 5/4/2006 @ 4:16 am