Beachwood Sparks
I was flipping through iTunes (or…clicking…I dunno, BROWSING, perhaps) and thinking about lap steel guitars (because that is what I always think about, besides ukeleles) and remembered that I love Beachwood Sparks like no other. Seriously. Doesn’t anyone else like this band? Their music is all summery and sweet and happy and twinkly and full of harmony and if it could be any color it’d be a frickin’ RAINBOW and …wow, horrible description, grammatically and otherwise. Here’s an awesome cover they did of Sade’s “By Your Side”:
Beachwood Sparks – On Your Side
And another song…because it’s awesome:
[audio:BeachwoodSparks_ConfusionIsNothingNew.mp3]Beachwood Sparks – Confusion Is Nothing New
I should listen to them more. And you too, maybe. Download everything on, an awesome fansite with a gajillion live mp3s among other things. I wanted to see them live some time ago, but they played at the Mercury Lounge. Someday I will go inside, and not just to buy tickets.
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beachwood sparks are great! did you hear all night radio?
i love your blogs. i laugh every day.
aim: mounthappiness
Comment by Nathan Waterman — 3/18/2006 @ 9:34 pm