random links for myself (or you)
Where am I going to be on March 3rd? “Bowery Ballroom for Of Montreal!”:http://www.ticketweb.com/user/?region=nyc&query=detail&event=644360 Yeah. March 3rd, here I come.
For Christmas I would like: “to make a ukelele!”:http://grizzly.com/products/item.cfm?itemnumber=H3125
And over the holiday I would like to: “circuit bend!”:http://bent-tronics.com
Not music related, but a cool thing: “A Menu For Hope”:http://www.firstgiving.com/menuforhopeII is a campaign held by food bloggers to raise money for earthquake victims in Northern India and Pakistan through Unicef. A gazillion food bloggers are donating foodie gifts, which you have a chance to “win” with each $5 you donate. It’s like buying raffle tickets, except …uh, cooler. In my opinion. There are so many people donating prizes that it’s likely you can win something. NYC residents, don’t you wanna eat pizza with the “Slice”:http://www.sliceny.com guys?! YEAH!
Lastly: “This awful Paranoid Android cover made me laugh”:http://www.benfolds.org/forum/33528, because I have no life. Or. Because I’m amused by British people and recorders. By the way, another name for “recorder” is “the flute of Satan”. [via “mefi”:http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/47609]
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