NYC’s police officers mean serious business. Watch as they take down highly threatening 8-Bit musicians. I feel much safer now:

bq. While putting up flyers for the International Chiptune Resistance show at The Tank this coming Saturday, Nullsleep and Bit Shifter were approached by two plainclothes police officers, arrested, handcuffed, informed that “a cleaner New York is a safer New York,” and taken to the NYPD 9th Precinct police station for processing and a nice stay in the NYPD’s luxurious high-security accommodations. Stripped of belts and shoelaces (to prevent suicide by hanging), the police missed Bit Shifter’s camera/web-phone, allowing exploitation of some irresistible photo-op moments, as well as an unique opportunity to set Bit Shifter’s AIM away message to “I’m in jail.”

Jail time: it’s a Kodak moment.

[via Music thing]