OK go video + CYHSY dancing dude
I’ve never listened to OK Go before but check out this awesome video for “A Million Ways”, and by awesome I mean “features funny dancing that will make you laugh.” Like many other people, I’m wondering how many times it took for them to get the dance right the whole way through. It’s so much better than most super-slick music videos in my opinion. [via metafilter]
I’d want to see OK Go now just for more silly dancing. They’re opening for Rufus Wainwright at the Beacon Theater but I don’t think I’ll go since I’ve seen Rufus five or six times by now…he is fun though. Hmm. (scratches head)
For more silly dancing, check out super happy fan watching Clap Your Hands Say Yeah at the Southstreet Seaport. I can’t get into CYHSY (dude’s voice…makes my brain unhappy) but dancing fanboy has that down.
Here’s my favorite Overheard in New York of the day.
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They played last night, 8/24/05, at Stubb’s in Austin, TX and definitely did this dance at the end. It was probably the coolest thing I’d ever seen at a concert. They also did a Les Miserables sketch in the middle when the guitarist (I think) broke a string.
Comment by Hexar — 8/25/2005 @ 11:11 am
hey is there a way to get this video and a myspace? cause i love the video and the band!!
Comment by rachel — 9/3/2005 @ 3:08 am