Casper Electronics Speak and Spell


Pete is the guy behind Casper Electronics, “Producing circuit bent sound gadgets and custom built musical instruments for the masses.” Don’t you love Pete? Don’t you want to be Pete? No? I guess it’s just me. He takes electronic instruments/toys, usually old and abandoned, and transforms them into much cooler things. And by cool, I mean they make lots of noises, sometimes mildly apocalyptic, sometimes glitch-tastic (most of the instruments have flash audio players at the bottom of the page). Look, CREEPY BABY HEADS!

Talking dolls are freaky and they deserve to be messed with.

If I had known about circuit bending in the beginning of the summer, I would’ve had had a more interesting past few months trying to ameliorate my complete lack of electronics-building knowledge. Doh. Anti-theory has a good circuit bending guide.

[Thanks Richard for the musical-toy-ness.]