So I’m walking to school like I try to do every day lest I become a huge blob because I eat so goddamn much (I did better today; I wanted cake but resisted the urge) and I didn’t know what to listen to. So I put on Phonem (aka Elliott Perkins). His official site used to have lots of fun sound clips and such but some time ago (a long time ago) it stopped working. If this website ever stops working for more than a month, you can be sure that I’ve DIED.

I really like Phonem and while I’m sure there are other Phonem fans out there, I KNOW NONE. I’m talking about him for no real reason as he hasn’t released anything under the name Phonem in a long time. Not too long ago I remember reading about his latest music endeavour but I forgot what it was. Oops.

I’d upload a song but they’re all pretty long (which makes them good for walking long distances, maybe). Morr music has sound clips (their website is cute, which means I love it) and BLEEP has everything. I LOVE BLEEP. I can waste my entire life listening to streaming songs. Yup, I haven’t bought anything from bleep. But I could. If I wanted to. I only have Hydro Electric on CD (and Ilisu on vinyl; god, that was stupid, I never listen to it) but I’ve listened to it somewhat constantly for the past few years. Does that mean it’s good? Well, it means I really like it. SURE, IT’S GOOD. WHATEVER. Buy Hydro Electric for blippy blop bloop goodness or die a grisly death.

I’m really bad at selling music.

On a totally musically unrelated note, this is what I feel like:

Filler Bunny

My emotions speak through Filler Bunny. And my emotions are very un-deep.