I used to listen to the WNYU experimental electronic music radio show Didjilution religiously in 10th or 11th grade, making sure to record it every week on my old but working stereo system.
AND THEN THE STEREO SYSTEM STOPPED WORKING and I haven’t listened to it fully since. For the first time in my life I decided to use Futuremail to remind myself to catch this show. I’m pretty determined to listen to it fully someday–I have a post-it in front of me that says DIDJILUTION, not that that works (because there are more than 10 post-its in front of me).
I’m always in on Wednesday nights. That is, unless I forget somethting in the library, necessitating an hour of my life to go to the library and come back and then miss the show by then. THWARTED AGAIN.
Anyway. Uh. If you like experiemental electronic music I recommend you listen to the show. I still get the playlists emailed to me so I always know what I miss out on. SWEET.
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