As I spend this week of vacation staying up until 5 AM and waking up at 2 PM, I’ll get close to the SXSW action though the magic of blogging. Yay. Ish.

See You In The Pit has provided me with much downloading fun and a reason to fill up my hard drive. It’s almost too easy to download stuff using firefox and the Down Them All plugin. …no, not almost, it is. I’ve downloaded a crapload of mp3s that I haven’t even listened to yet. 🙁

Torr is going to be posting audio stuff from SWSX in Kathryn is flickr-ing lots of cameraphone photos. Filter Magazine is blogging photos and stuff to such a vivid degree that I too can feel the pain of hopping around airports. SWEET. Mark really needed to get away from the luxurious Taj Mahal.

And I’m in my pajamas on a Wednesday afternoon. Oh, got Doves photos and such, will write about that in a sec…

Onelouder’s list of SXSW blogs will ensure that I never leave my computer…nooo.