Even Johansen - Quiet & Still
Even Johansen – Quiet & Still

I felt like I had been listening to the same songs over and over again so I decided to bring up Even Johansen’s first album, Quiet & Still, on my playlist. It came out in 2001 as Five One Inc’s second release (Poor Rich One’s Happy Happy Happy was number one. Great band, and although they’re not releasing any more music, lead singer William Hut is and it’s good stuff) and on Rec 90 in Norway. I first heard about Even from a summer 2001 issue of Chart Attack that I requested from a Canadian friend due to it having a cover story on Thom Yorke (featuring a funny interview). I’ve never seen this magazine in the US. I don’t want to think what would have happened without my Radiohead interest and my Canadian friend. Horror.

Quiet & Still is my favorite album (yup, I like it more than On Your Side, which I like a lot. On a semi-related note, Mutations is my favorite Beck album, after Odelay, which I obviously like a lot as well. They’re different styles). It’s always a good listen whenever I need it and tonight was one of those nights. Five One Inc has two mp3s (releases –> Quiet & Still) and if you haven’t heard any of these songs before you will download BOTH! Or receive a virtual lashing. “Quiet & Still” was the first song I had ever heard by Even back in the days when Audiogalaxy had everything. I guess I was lucky someone else had the mp3 for me to download as this album doesn’t seem to be very well known. I can’t imagine why; it’s everyone else’s loss.

My favorite songs are “Quiet & Still” and “Private Jinx”. I can’t explain why I like “Private Jinx” so much but if you listen to “Quiet & Still” and don’t think it’s one of the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard then…well, refer back to the virtual lashing. Nah, just kidding. Kind of. It’s $11, what are you waiting for?!