I too wish there had been Rick Astley action, but they did a pretty good job of reinforcing the fact that I spend way too much time online. However, I didn’t recognized everything…just 95% of it. Oh dear.
I couldn’t say it was awesome until Charlie the Unicorn popped up. You know, Charlie?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2 is just “wtf” for six minutes. But sometimes that’s what you need.
I sent this video of a montage of cats walking on treadmills to a co-worker a few days ago:
The soundtrack is perfect; otherwise this video would just be a “mediocre” instead of “super awesome” montage of cats walking on treadmills. My favorite parts are the ones with the fuzzy, fat cat walking to the heavy THUMP THUMP THUMPs. Yup.
I like how my interests become more juvenile the more I look at YouTube.
Music wise I seem to have hit a wall where I just don’t care anymore. But not really. For the past few weeks I listened specifically to two artists I rarely listen to: Embrace and Imogen Heap. No idea why, especially since listening to Embrace just made me feel depressed. Instead of trying to find new music, maybe I’ll just revisit stuff I haven’t listened to in ages.
I’ve felt a bit bad for not being terribly interested in seeing Sigur Ros during their upcoming tour. I went apeshit over them seven years ago. …Holy crap, I’m getting old. (Just kidding. I’m still somewhat of a baby.) How many people out there have liked an artist consistently for 7+ years? I’m not sure I have any of those. Not that there aren’t albums I could listen to today and still be as interested in as I was 7+ years ago (I think I have a handful of those), but to have that obsessive “OMG I LOVE [so and so] TO DEATH!!”…yeah, not sure if I’ve got that anymore.
Anyhoo, I don’t predict going to many concerts soon (unless they’re free) because in two weeks, I will be a Brooklynite. Yes, the time time to move out of NJ and cut my commuting time in half has finally come. Now I just have to clean up my crap and move my crap and buy more crap.
Welcome to “the oh so quiet show”, yet another blog for me to lash my ego upon the world wide web and litter it with useless information. I rarely update this blog; it means nothing. Visit diskobox.net to view my other sites.