Comments on: Plone + random tour things I have ears. I like music. Wee. Sat, 19 Feb 2011 01:23:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dominic Sat, 05 Nov 2005 05:39:58 +0000 Yeah Plone broke up. This is a nightmare. I bought For Beginner Piano in 2000 and i still listen to it at least once a month. This is one of my favorite album of all time with Aphextwin’s Richard D. James. It’s pretty sad cause there’s no band sounding like they used to. (E-vax, lineland or carpet musics are good but it’s not the same)

The only band really similar to Plone is Pluxus.

By the way, a few years ago there was a Plone micro-site on warprecords which was composed of of song people from Plone liked. If anyone remember the track list, partially or complete, please e-mail me at I only rememer Electric turn to me from Bruce Haack.

By: Tim Mon, 03 Oct 2005 22:16:05 +0000 Plone sadly split in 2001. Theres an interview i came across just last week at

Its a shame, especially considering they made an unreleased follow up.
