Comments on: new Håkan Hellström single I have ears. I like music. Wee. Sat, 19 Feb 2011 01:23:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: russ Mon, 12 Sep 2005 19:55:26 +0000 hey, i have a few hakans songs translated into english, and alot of them are pretty sad. kann ingen sorg for mig goteborg means feel no sorrow for me goteborg, and alot of other songs like that. if you want more, email me at

By: diana Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:36:01 +0000 [Whoa, it seems like I’m commenting like crazy and downloading like crazy off your music blog! I love your music blog. There are also a few things I like to know how you do stuff – web mark-up wise. I guess I’ll talk to you later about that.]

Whoa – the intro to this Hakan Hellstrom track freaked me out at first! I’ve been listening to Swedish pop as well… sorta. I bought two used CDs, but haven’t listened to it.

By: diana Tue, 11 Jan 2005 03:55:37 +0000 yay! This comic thingie looks bad on WordPress! I see web markup – like I do with other WordPress journals!
